So, I took a trip to Park City last week. We usually snowboard around our area in the mid-atlantic, and to be frank, it sucks. I mean they do a good job with what they have, but nothing compares to MT time zone. I've been to Breckendridge (CO) and now Park City (UT). Park City has been my most memorable snowboarding experience ever. From the moment my board slashed through the Utah powder, it felt like euphoria. My friend told me that the snow around there is special because of the accumulation of salt from Salt Lake. My favorite part was going through tree lines. It was as close to backcountry shredding as I'll ever get. I'm not sure when or where the next snowboarding trip will be, but I cannot wait. Here's some shots from my GoPro:

Prior to the trip, I was debating on which lens to take: my 50mm or my 24-105mm. I figured I wasn't going to be using my RP too much, and ended up bringing both. I figured this trip would be a good primer to see how I'd like traveling with those two. I don't really like bringing around my gear, so the 24-105mm would've been ideal if it was faster. I mainly stuck with the 50 because I'd be using it more after snowboarding with less light. Maybe I'll get a 35mm or a faster telephoto before my next trip.

Oh yeah. I ended up losing my GoPro on the final day of the trip. It was during one run through the trees. The powder was really thick, and I kept tripping up. When I finished the run, I realized it unlatched. I didn't try to find it because I figured it'd be a waste of time and energy. Just decided to let go at that point and not let it bring me down. As a result, here are a few iPhone XS Max shots:

Other than refusing to mask, I don't believe in COVID shaming (PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS). As for traveling during a pandemic, it was okay. I was dreading the airport process, but it felt good. Everyone was wearing masks, the airports do a good job of keeping things as clean as possible and helping you feel safe too. Nothing is 100% so just make sure you're doing your part to live cautiously. I believe that people can attempt to live their life as long as they're doing it as safely as they can. Basically don't lick any doorknobs and be safe to keep others safe. Get tested and quarantine after regardless of your result. Protect yourself, and it'll protect those around you too.